Tuesday, January 12, 2010

12 of 12: January

Happy January, cats and kittens! As always, credit/props/blame to Chad Darnell, 12 of 12 originator and guru.


8:15 - Up. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

8:40 - Off to the park for a run to celebrate seeing the sky. (Seriously: IT IS SO FOGGY HERE.)

8:47 - Path, sun, Rian Johnson on the Creative Screenwriting podcast.

9:57 - Apparently, I have become the kind of person who eats Great Grains and reads The New York Times.

10:10 - Deep thoughts in my Inbox.

(Personally, am torn on this issue. I do miss tasty Season 2 hipster hair, but the new look has grown on me. Could maybe do with--dare I say it?--a tad more product.)

10: 35 - Research for Austenacious. No, really.

12:30 - Taking a break for some thank-you knitting.

12:50 - Lunch: grilled cheese with apple and spinach (too much; next time, apple OR spinach!) and Jon Stewart totally failing to intimidate John Yoo (the scary constitutional lawyer, not the First Pres music director, though that would be fun, too).

3:15 - Seeing a man about a website. At Starbucks. Ooh la la!

7:50 - Sherlock enjoys watching my mom play with her people toys.

8:20 - Trying for an after-dinner burst of productivity, with mixed results.


8: 40 - How all good days should end. Obviously.

See you in February.


Bellacantare said...

Benicia?? Are you back in the Bay???

Heather (xphilehb) said...

Oh sunlight, green grass, unfrozen water, ground that isn't covered in dirty grey snow, how I miss you!

Looks like a good day to me.

P.S. More than Chuck's hair, I am worried that he's going to be whiny and lovesick all season. If so, that will be annoying.

Liz said...


Yes! I came back. Why do January in DC when you can do January (and February, and March) in California?

B-town love, yo.

Liz said...


I can FedEx you some mud, if you'd like. You know, if it would make you feel better?

(Or you could just come to California. Wait, who said that?)

Re: Chuck being the girl in this relationship...well. We should discuss.

JCB said...

I would end my day like that in a heartbeat if we had an icecream place anywhere close by!

Xerxes said...

That looks like a great running route. Glad to see Sherlock is settling in as king of his new manor!

Dogeared said...

Ice cream at the end of the day - great idea!

Sorry I've not commented yet - crazy time with work and moving flats!