Monday, September 13, 2010

12 of 12: September

In which fall comes to 12 of 12! For more, see Chad Darnell.

8:38 - Up.

9:15 - What were Sunday mornings created for, if not for reading in bed with cat? This is Death Comes for the Archbishop, by Willa Cather, which is unexpectedly wonderful.

12:20 - Researching funding options for a documentary series I'm working on. Please, Diddy?

12:40 - Tasty Dog, brown mustard, no onions. Greatest.

2:28 - Triumphant sock knitting; less-than-triumphant Niner football. Ouch.

3:54 - Admittedly trying to squeeze a last-minute post between 12-of-12 posts, so I can pretend I update this site regularly. Amazingly, it worked!

4:57 - Note: When one leaves on time for church, one might get there early! Some of you know how revolutionary this is for me.

5:03 - Still early.

7:45 - Post-service ice cream sundaes; my friend John mixed strawberry and butter pecan, which I pretended in the moment not to judge, but...ew.

7:52 - Good, good friends.

8:40 - Catching up on the way home from church: Promised Land, in which Ira Glass opens with his "I wish" song and Starlee Kine finally gets to go to Disneyland.

9:07 - Finding that elusive space between "clothes" and "jammies" where so much work gets done. Excellent.

To October and beyond!


Lipp said...

Home made sox!

JCB said...

Church pews should be made more comfortably!

Liz said...

Lipp - They're the best! Though this is my second time knitting this one--Take One was too small.

lovesmukiwa - Indeed. I'm glad we're a pew church and not a chair church, but they do get a bit hard--even with cushions!

Dogeared said...

I think that's the best up shot in a while, don't know why! And aww, reading in bed with kitty does sound nice :D

(sorry my comment is late!)